[media-credit name=”Rashid Hasirbaf/Staff” align=”alignright” width=”300″][/media-credit]Southwestern College is a place that has opened its doors to learning. It has many open facilities students can access, such as the Cesar Chavez One-Stop Center, the Student Center and the bookstore.
One building that is not open enough is the cafeteria.
Even when classes are not in session, such as the time period between semesters, facilities are open for students who need to sign up for a class, pay fees, meet with a counselor and to buy textbooks. These activities require energy, but forget refueling at the cafeteria, it is closed.
In December SWC expanded its food options with the grand opening of the Time Out Café. It is opened longer hours than the main cafeteria (probably to compete with Jason’s Coffee Cart) but not when students need a between-semesters meal.
SWC needs to expand the days and operations of their food services for off-days and Saturdays. Our library, the Academic Success Center and the cafeterias are important for college. So is the cafeteria.
When academic facilities are open, cafeterias should be open, too, so students and employees are not forced to leave campus for lunch. After all, it is hard to learn on an empty stomach.