By Camila A. Gonzalez
For nearly 30 years Pete Wilson was a popular mayor, U.S. Senator and California Governor.
History has not been kind to Wilson.
Today he finds himself in the company of confederate officers, bloody conquistadors and slave owners.
Human rights activists are campaigning to have a downtown statue of Wilson pulled down. San Diego’s demographics have evolved and so has the perception of Wilson and his record of anti-Latino and anti-LGBTQ actions.
Wilson’s enormously controversial support of anti-immigrant Propositions 187 and 227 catered to conservatives but alienated Latinos and progressives. Political scientists point to Wilson’s anti-Latino activities as the main reason California flipped from a red Republican-leaning state to a blue Democratic stronghold in the 21st century.
“Demographics is destiny,” said Herman Baca, chairman of the Committee on Chicano Rights. “It was easy for Wilson to use us as una piñata when there weren’t many of us voting.”
Enrique Morones, founder of Gente Unida, said a statue of Wilson in multi-cultural San Diego is like a statue of a slave owner or confederate general in a black community.
“It is really embarrassing that the city of San Diego would have a statue honoring a person that promoted hate, supported Proposition 187 and approved of undocumented children being blocked from going to school or receiving health care,” he said. “This is what Pete Wilson represents to so many of us.”
Proposition 187 was a 1994 ballot initiative to deny immigrants access to health care, public education and social services in California. Proposition 227, an initiative on the 1998 ballot, sought to ban bilingual education in California. Prop. 187 narrowly passed, but was struck down by a federal judge in 1997 who ruled it unconstitutional. Prop. 227 also passed, but was largely ignored by most California school districts which followed federal guidelines instead. The measure was formally repealed by California voters in 2016.
Wilson was an unabashed supporter of both measures.
“For Californians who work hard, pay taxes and obey the laws, I’m suing to force the federal government to control the border and I’m working to deny state services to illegal immigrants,” he said during his 1994 campaign. “Enough is enough.”
Wilson’s statue was unpopular from the day it was unveiled in 2007. While a small group of supporters cheered at the sidewalk across from the Horton Plaza mall, hundreds of protesters fenced off by San Diego police voiced opposition across the street.
Morones said most elected officials in San Diego city and county indicated they oppose the Wilson statue, but claim to be powerless to remove it because it is private property on private land.
That is irrelevant, Morones said.
“It may be on private property, but thousands of people still see it every day,” he said. “If it were a confederate flag or a swastika it would be taken down. Symbols of hatred it the heart of a city do not deserve protection.”
Morones said he is disappointed in San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, an out member of the LGBTQ community, for not moving to have the statue removed.
“We talked to Todd Gloria before he was mayor,” Morones said. “He said he would support us. Same with (San Diego Council Member) Steve Whitburn. As soon as they were elected to office they backed away and did not keep their promises.”
Darwin Fishman, co-founder of the Racial Justice Coalition of San Diego, agreed. He said this is a relatively rare effort by Latino activists to have a statue removed. Most of the recent successful removals have been led by African-Americans, he said.
“I think it is a healthy movement in society to critically examine all statues, monuments and plaques that honor people,” he said. “I think it is safe to say that in the case of many of the older ones most people do not know why they are put up in the first place. They might not be the best representations for society or for a particular community. It is okay to have that debate and discussion.”
Fishman said he remembers the contentious Proposition 187 campaign.
“It viciously attacked and demonized Latino communities and Mexican immigrants,” he said. “There are legitimate reasons why that community would not want that statue up. It is not a good representation for San Diego.”
Ricardo Flores, executive director of Local Initiatives Support Corporation, a non-profit that assists underserved communities with grants and economic partnerships, said he was “repulsed by Wilson’s xenophobic and racist agenda.”
“The statue represents fear and hate towards Mexican and undocumented immigrants,” he said. “I remember the ads (for Proposition 187). It was offensive and embarrassing. (The television advertisements) portrayal of hard working individuals—people I knew, people in my own family—was awful. They were portrayed as parasites with no value.”
Flores said Latinos then and today are essential contributors to the regional and national economy.
“Latinos pick our food,” he said. “I do not see other people wanting to pick our food in 100 degree weather for 8-9 hours a day. We provide a valuable service to our community.”
Flores said he drafted a formal resolution to the San Diego City Council requesting removal of the Wilson statue and is awaiting a response.
Morones said Latinos and their supporters have battled the Wilson statue for 15 years. Victory seemed at hand in 2020 when the owner of the statue temporarily removed it, but it was replaced a short time later. He said he is optimistic that the statue will eventually be removed once and for all.
“Dr. (Martin Luther) King said ‘the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice’,” Morones said. “We will continue to oppose this symbol of hate in the middle of our beautiful city. Pete Wilson, like Robert E. Lee and Christopher Columbus, represents a racist past that America is moving away from. Someday that statue will go away, too.”