College students like STI tests even less than biology tests, but Planned Parenthood is looking to change that.
Planned Parenthood staff is offering free testing for sexually-transmitted disease once a month this semester with tentative plans to return next semester. Testing for HIV, gonorrhea and Chlamydia is free for SWC students.
Spokesperson Marcy Clayson said she will provide presentations on human anatomy, birth control, sexually transmitted infections and reproductive health. She said she spoke with SWC Campus Nurse Grace Cruz and suggested the college provide free STI testing.
“Planned Parenthood is doing a new community outreach,” Cruz said. “It funded the testing equipment and the staff that was needed.”
Clayson said this is the first time Planned Parenthood has provided free testing at SWC on a regular basis. State funding pays for the service.
“We had a really good turn out,” Clayson said. “We were here for about four hours and tested more than 50 students.”
Free condoms, morning after pills and brochures with information about safe sex where also available. Anyone over the age of 12 can be tested without the consent of parents. Due to California State Law, Planned Parenthood cannot notify the parents, partner or friends, Clayson said, and results of the tests are confidential.
“If an adult has a significant other and that person wanted to know information about the adults’ results, we wouldn’t release it,” she said. “Everything is strictly between Planned Parenthood and its patients.”
Abizay Santos, president of EOPS Club, said he decided to get tested in order to receive extra credit in his health class.
“The whole testing experience was pleasant and did not take much of my time. It only took around 15 minutes,” said Santos. “The staff was very friendly and professional throughout the whole process. Having the testing on campus was very accessible because we don’t need to drive off campus. The service is within our reach and it is free.”
SWC student Brandon Chambers took the time to get tested as well.
“The procedure was painless. Just a little stub on the finger,” Chambers said. “Some people might not have the opportunity during their busy schedule.”
Clayson said Planned Parenthood does not provide direct medical care to people whose STI test returns positive.
“We can definitely link them to all the places they can get help from,” she said.
San Ysidro Health Center has a program that offers counseling directly to STI positive patients.