With job markets flooded with qualified applicants, demonstrating experience beyond the confines of academics has never been more important. Although having extra pocket change is nice, sometimes not being paid to work and volunteering instead has a much deeper effect.
Having real world experience in the professional world is the best way to succeed in the long run. Internships are a great example, but they are not the only one. Volunteering even at a local church is more effective than a part-time job.
Students who reach out to the community and show a sense of passion by contributing their time will go farther than those who only have part-time jobs. Part-time jobs are still essential for those who need the money, but they should still dedicate a few hours to the community or an internship.
Research shows that students who volunteer will have a much greater chance of excelling in their career after graduating. Students who actively participate in the community have a higher chance of getting hired because they will have a polished resume with more extracurriculars.
Each year, 48 percent of employers make full-time offers to student interns and these numbers are increasing. Doors open for interns. Employers appreciate the effort put into working free of charge. Students need to be sure to stay in contact following an internship or volunteer program. Networking is important and the contacts that are made can last as a lifetime of good references. This is a huge benefit and will only be given to those who sacrifice their time.
Students may be content with a minimum wage job, but working at a fast food joint will not impress companies as much as applicable experience.
Providing for the community shows true passion. Time is valuable, but spending that time volunteering or interning is time well spent.