Surrogates can be male or female and work with heterosexual and homosexual clients. Safety procedures are also enforced with surrogates. People who want to work as a partner are HIV tested. It is actually the surrogates responsibility to provide contraception and disease prevention for their clients. Many surrogates require their clients to take two different AIDS tests.
Surrogate sex partners help patients become comfortable with physical and emotional intimacy. Working together, the partner and therapist have sessions with a patient to ensure that the joint therapy is working for the patient. After every session, the surrogate sex partner reports to the therapist, and the therapist works with the client about the progress or drawbacks from the session. According to the International Professional Surrogates Association (IPSA), clients who seek surrogate sex therapy have problems from general social anxiety to specific sexual dysfunctions.
Surrogate sex partners, however, may or may not need to have genital-to-genital contact. If needed, genital contact is a minor part of the therapy.
Surrogates model honesty, social skills and communication so the patient will progress through the experiences they provide. The process brings healing to the patient. As therapy progresses, clients may find themselves relaxed and more comfortable with physical and emotional intimacy, according to the IPSA.
Surrogate sex therapy seems beneficial because the surrogate and the patient’s relationship serves as a basis for learning, and models the stages of a relationship, including the end. This relationship gives the client a chance to learn and explore relationship skills and shows the surrogate and therapist personal issues to work with. Through this relationship, clients learn to trust and be intimate, eventually feeling ready to choose his or her own partner.
The legality of surrogate partners is undefined in most of the U.S. and other countries. There are no governmental licensing or regulation for surrogate partners, however, IPSA said they have assumed responsibility to ensure that its members have received “adequate training” and “adhere to the highest standards of ethical practice.” IPSA provides training for people who want to be surrogate partners, a 60-hour course that includes exercises, counseling sessions, lectures and readings. Surrogates also have to be sure to not get emotionally attached to their clients.
Through 1970 until 1980, surrogate sex partners went from unknown to appealing and slowly the fascination faded away. Respectability and politics chased the fascination away.
Surrogate sex partners tend to be misunderstood, and are viewed as overpriced prostitution. It’s not about the sex, it is about intimacy. It’s about reintroducing patints to their own bodies.
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