LIKE FINE WINE—Pete Jimenez’s 1940 Ford coupe with its special “merlot jewel” red paint job and handleless suicide doors.

LIKE FINE WINE—Pete Jimenez’s 1940 Ford coupe with its special “merlot jewel” red paint job and handleless suicide doors. Photo by David McVicker

Lucifer has a nice ride, but the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Car Show was definitely on the side of the angels.



“Classic” was the word of the day as proud car aficianados showed off their babies to a steady stream of impressed visitors.

Chula Vista’s Fire Department got the hot event off to a hot start, said PTK adviser Myriam Moody.

“They literally came out with fire glaring, lights flashing and they were in gear,” she said. “They pulled out the water hoses and started to water away.”

Even a fire hose could not cool off “El Diablo,” a hellishly cool 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser with a red and black interior embellished with skulls, fire and death. Terry Rainey said he loves his devil-themed car, though it suprises people every mile of the way.

“What is scary, wicked, and mean,” he said. “What is more scarier than the devil?”

Pete Jimenez, owner of the a unique “merlot-jewel”colored 1940 Ford Coupe, said he spent $40,000 on his Opera Coupe. Part of that money was for suicide doors without handles, he said.

Music legend John Lennon made a surprise appearance under the hood of an extravagant 1953 yellow Ford P/4. Lime green flames licked the exterior to mesmerizing effect.

One car came out victorious.

Richard Dinnen collected the “Best of Show” award for his sparkling black 1956 Ford F100, which was simple but powerful. It was an unembellished car that over-powered the 116 other vehicles on display with its simplicity.

PTK’s fundraiser will help 15 members of the club attend the International Conference this month in Orlando.  Moody said her students put together an impressive event.

“I can’t do this by myself and all of our members had a role getting it organized, getting raffle prices and putting stuff together,” she said. “The Phi Theta Kappa members really pulled off the show. I’m very proud of them for acting as an awesome team.”