Cartoon by Ailsa Alipusan/Staff

College students come to a crossroads when it comes to transferring.

Are public colleges better than private colleges?

Admission requirements for public and private systems are significantly different. Letters of recommendation are not required by the CSU system. Students will be accepted with 60 units and one defined Oral Communication, one Life Science, one College Math and one History.

A prospective student wishing to attend San Diego Christian College, a private university, must submit two letters of reference. One must be from a spiritual advisor, so if the student does not attend a church that excludes the student from attending. The other letter must be from a professor talking about the student’s academic abilities. This is a requirement of many private colleges. Students who attend private colleges are often expected to sign an honor code, which outlines drinking, smoking and premarital sex as grounds for expulsion.

GPA requirement for transfer students is 2.0 at CSU Dominguez Hills in Carson. Grade requirements for transfer students at University of San Diego are 3.0. Privates often do not require academic minimums, only worries about financial requirements.

CSU typically have good social life with fraternities and sororities on campus to participate in. It is important for college students to develop interaction and social skills among their peers when they are in college. Private instuitions govern by a strict honor code and restrictive  environment, offer little in terms of a social life.

When considering the financial cost, CSU is the best buy. Tuition at CSU Northridge is $6,504 a year. Point Loma Nazarene costs a whopping $28,900 a year.

PLNU is a Christian college and requires students to attend chapel twice a week for two hours. Full-time students, even those who are not Christian, are forced to attend chapel services. PLNU requires students to take at least nine units of bible courses. Tuition of bible courses total $10,395 which is wasted money, resources and time that could have been spent on a class related to their major. The cost per unit at PLNU is a whopping $1,155.

If a student is expelled or wishes to transfer from a private institution, they are in for a shock. Many units will not transfer.

The CSU system is the best option for Southwestern College students. The students will still be saving money and preventing years of paying off college dent. CSU schools provide the social setting that will enrich young peoples lives during their college years and beyond.