Just when it seems we have seen the worst, most greed-infected misanthropic schemes of corporations like Bank of America, Citibank, Exxon and Archer Daniels Midland, here appears the lowest yet, Proposition 32.
This bald-faced attempt at power grabbing would allow corporations and right-wing super PACs go their merry way while effectively shutting the working class out of organized politics.
Proposition 32 forbids unions from using payroll-deducted funds for political purposes. It prohibits union contributions to candidates and their committees, but allows corporations to send billions to political action committees. Wealthy donors can contribute free of scrutiny and lets PACs do political dirty work for them.
There’s more. Proposition 32 carries significant fiscal impact that will increase costs to state and local governments. More than $1 million annually will be wasted on implementing and enforcing the law.
Students should vote no on Proposition 32. Many will be affected if Proposition 32 is passed as millions of workers will lose their voice and be run over by powerful corporations.
For years unions have defended workers’ rights. Let us imagine unions without any power and corporations running free. This is a dystopian nightmare right out of George Orwell or “The Hunger Games.”
Who are the “unionists” Prop 32 attempts to vilify? They are your teachers, police, nurses, firefighters, care providers and pilots. They are us and the people who most directly help us.
Big business proponents of Proposition 32 want to undercut the political influence of working people — or what’s left of it. Proposition 32 still allows businesses, Super PACs and thousands of big businesses to donate to politicians and campaigns. How is it possible to limit the laborer who barely has a voice and allow powerful businesses to spend enormous amounts of money to support campaigns to subdue the wage earner? How dumb do we look?
Weakened unions means giant corporations decide which health benefits an employee should get (probably none), how many hours you work, overtime and other issues. Workers hurt will be employees of grocery stores, retail, hospitals, schools, public safety, transportation and many others.
Proposition 32 is a shameful assault on working people, professionals and the middle class. Vote no on the corporate power grab. Vote no on Proposition 32.